Takedown Request & Appeals(Email Request Form)

Filling this page correctly will make your take-down notice compliant and allow us to address it expeditiously.
Note that the information provided in this legal notice will be forwarded to the person who provided the allegedly infringing content.

Appeals: If you have been depicted in any content and would like to appeal removal of such content, please notify us by sending a request.

  1. All "User" can use this form is to report any content that may be illegal or otherwise violates the Standards
  2. All such reported complaints will be reviewed and resolved within seven business days.
  3. Our administrative staff reviews all complaints, and in accordance with the Terms and conditions decide the validity of the complaint. After the decision has been made, the user may appeal the decision within the next 24 hours.
  4. When the decision is made, according to the decision itself, any infringing, illegal, abusive or otherwise inappropriate content will be removed.

Contact Me

Please define your request or appeal
Identify in sufficient details the copyrighted work that you believe has been infringed upon or other information sufficient to specify the copyrighted work being infringed. 'If appealing type 'ticket number received here.'
Enter Your Full Legal Name (don not use a stage name or pseudoym)
Enter your email
Enter Your Full Street Address
Enter your Zip Code
Enter Your City
Enter Your Sate In Full
Enter Your Country In Full
Enter (1 url per line) Don't report videos embedded to other sites please. Instead, click the sotre and send us the URL of the video.
Enter Your Phone Number
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Enter Today's Date
Electronic signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner. Please affirm this notice by entering the Full Legal Name of the copyright owner (do not use a stage name or pseudonym).
(Please detail your appeal request)